64-Bit Apps Will Soon Be Supported On Windows 10 ARM

April 6, 2018

BUILD 2018 is almost upon us, and some nuggets from the forthcoming conference are starting to surface. Windows 10 ARM looks to be a major focus for Microsoft in this big event.

It was back in December of 2016 that Microsoft and Qualcomm first announced their ambitious plans to introduce Windows 10 powered PCs that ran on a Snapdragon processor. Since then, a few devices have made their way to store shelves, to rather lackluster results.

And that’s primarily due to the fact that these machines suffer from performance issues, and the majority of the programs available for this new platform are of the 32-bit nature.

But this report cites general manager for Windows, Erin Chappie, who has confirmed that developers will soon be able to recompile 64-bit apps to run on ARM based PCs, which should not only lead to improved performance but battery life as well.

And not just that, more devices running Windows 10 ARM should see daylight in the coming months, as Redmond is working closely with partners on bringing newer models.

Including those powered by the Snapdragon 845.

A number of smartphones already house this powerful new chipset, and PCs sporting this should make their way out in late 2018, once Microsoft finishes implementing the tweaks necessary for running Windows 10 on these chips.

The software titan has also confirmed that it will be sharing more details on the ARM64 SDK Preview at BUILD, once the events get underway in May.

Can’t wait, exciting stuff.

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Featured · Hardware · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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