8BitDo Unveils Its Project xCloud Controller

July 7, 2020
8BitDo SN30 Pro

Ready to play Xbox games on your smartphone? Then this tiny 8BitDo Bluetooth controller is what you need. It looks perfect for the task, as it is certified and ready for Microsoft’s cloud gaming initiative.

Project xCloud.

The new SN30 Pro controller is much smaller than regular Xbox controllers, and it also comes with a clip that you can attach to your smartphone. It works on a range of Android devices, including phones and tablets, making it ideal for the cloud game streaming service.

Since it supports only Bluetooth, and not the Microsoft’s proprietary Xbox Wireless protocol, you will not be able to use them on Xbox One consoles.

But here’s how the controller looks:

8BitDo SN30 Pro Controller

The overall design draws inspiration from Xbox One controllers, though there is a bit of classic touch throw in with the SNES style. There are two symmetrical analog sticks here too, which are similar to the ones on the PlayStation 5 controller.

These two sticks will be customizable for higher precision control, and the range of triggers will also be adjustable through the company’s Ultimate Software.

8BitDo promises up to 18 hours of battery life.

Though the controller itself does not come cheap. The SN30 Pro for Xbox Cloud Gaming is priced at a rather hefty $49.99, and starts shipping on September 21.

You can learn more about it on its official website.

Article Categories:
Featured · Games · Hardware · Project xCloud · Xbox

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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