A Microsoft Installer bug is crashing apps

November 19, 2021

Egad, just what we needed! The wizards over at Redmond have confirmed the existence of another bug that is causing issues on Windows. And this one has got to do with the Microsoft Installer.

You know, the thingamajig that is better known as MSI.

A problem with the Microsoft Installer can prevent apps from opening on Windows 11, and several versions of Windows 10 after an update or repair has been attempted. The software titan reveals that while it is possible to mitigate this problem now, it is working on a permanent fix.

The issue can appear after installing the KB5007215 update or later, which started shipping on November 9, 2021.

As Microsoft details, the complete list of affected platforms is made up of:

“Client: Windows 11, version 21H2; Windows 10, version 21H2; Windows 10, version 21H1; Windows 10, version 20H2; Windows 10, version 2004; Windows 10, version 1909; Windows 10, version 1809; Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019; Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2016; Windows 10, version 1607; Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB; Windows 8.1; Windows 7 SP1

Server: Windows Server 2022; Windows Server, version 20H2; Windows Server, version 2004; Windows Server, version 1909; Windows Server, version 1809; Windows Server 2019; Windows Server 2016; Windows Server 2012 R2; Windows Server 2012; Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1; Windows Server 2008 SP2”

All in!

Some applications from Kaspersky are known to be troubled by this problem. If your Windows installation encounters this issue, the affected software may fail to open, update, or repair.

In the support document, Microsoft suggests that users manually uninstall the affected app from Settings or Control Panel and then install the latest version to fix crashes.

The company is working on a complete resolution for the issue that will arrive as a future update.

Article Categories:
Apps · Bugs · Featured · Windows · Windows 10 · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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