Age of Empires IV has launched

November 1, 2021

We start the week, the month for that matter, with the biggest news bite. At least, for gamers. The newest entry in the eternal RTS series, Age of Empires IV, is now available wherever games are sold.

That means, Steam, the Microsoft Store, and Xbox Game Pass.

The Age of series is the biggest name in the real-time strategy space, and this new arrival marks the end of the 16-year hiatus for the series. Relic Entertainment worked on the game, with the development overseen by World’s Edge, a studio Microsoft specifically created for the popular gaming series.

Age of Empires IV comes packing a single-player campaign amounting to 35 missions and a multiplayer component for up to 8 players at a time.

Speaking of the number 8, this is also the count of the factions available at launch. Civilizations like English, French, Holy Roman Empire, the Rus, Mongols, Chinese, and Delhi Sultanate round it up, with each one offering different abilities and play styles making up a wholly asymmetric experience.

Watch this launch trailer:

The RTS has received stellar reviews across the board, with the positive verdict centered around its deep strategy elements, production values, audio, as well as campaign variety. The development team continues to work on it, and has promised official support for mods in early 2022.

As for its availability, Age of Empires IV launched worldwide on October 28 everywhere where Microsoft sells its games.

The game is available on Steam as well as the Microsoft Store, priced at $59.99. A Digital Deluxe Edition is also up for grabs for $79.99 that adds several in-game profile customizations items and goodies like the original soundtrack.

And like all other first-party games from Microsoft, the title is also available for Xbox Game Pass for PC.

A new age has truly begun!

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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