Age of Empires IV Targeting Q1 2022 Release Window

July 17, 2020
Age of Empires IV

Bummer! Age of Empires IV is currently one of the most anticipated titles in development, with Microsoft previously hinting that it aimed to release the strategy game in 2021.

However, according to some new intelligence, the Q1 2022 release window is looking more likely.

Not a lot has been said about this RTS title since the game was revealed at the X019 event last year. Back then, the developers confirmed that Age of Empires IV had been in development for 3 years. Since then, Relic has been completely silent as they work hard on this long-awaited game.

But the latest rumors on the game come from regular Microsoft watcher WalkingCat.

The reliable insider claims that we may not see Age of Empires IV in 2021. According to his insider sources the game is currently targeting a Q1 2022 release window.

This news will certainly come as a major disappointment to many fans of the iconic franchise. They have actually been waiting for a new Age of Empires game in the mainline series since 2005. In that aspect, a delay or a quarter or two will definitely be felt.

Then again, this will give the developers more time to refine and polish the game, since the scope of the project is absolutely huge.

The software titan is coming hot off the development of a new Flight Simulator, which just like Age of Empires IV is a PC exclusive title.

Goes without saying that this is still a rumor, and we will have to wait until Microsoft officially comments on the matter to see what launch window the company is targeting. We probably might get some updates on Age of Empires IV on at the Xbox Games Showcase on July 23.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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