August 2020 Patch Tuesday Updates Arrive

August 11, 2020
Patch Tuesday

Today is the second Tuesday of the month, and you know what that means. It’s Patch Tuesday time! Every support version of Windows is getting an update today.

And for Windows 10, that means all variants, expect for version 1511.

For consumers that means versions above 1809 to the latest release of the OS, the May 2020 Update.

Those of you on the latest version of Windows 10, or an Insider rocking the 20H2 preview, you are going to get KB566782 that bumps up the build number to 19041.450 or 19042.450 respectively. Earlier versions of Windows 10 have their own set of releases that you can check for and download.

Then there are a bunch of updates reserved only for specific SKUs of the operating system like Enterprise and Education, Surface Hub, and the Long-Term Servicing Branch that also got a look.

While Windows 8.1 has a monthly rollup to its name in the form of KB4571703, and a security-only update that goes by as KB4571723. It only includes security updates from the monthly rollup mentioned previously.

On the Window 7 side of things, we have Extended Security Updates (ESU) releases that are meant for users that pay for these. Their monthly rollup goes as KB4571729, and packs in a few improvements and fixes.

As always, these updates can be installed through Windows Update if you want to right now, or they will be automatically deployed on your system sometime in the future.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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