Australian Taxation Office Still Using Windows XP And Internet Explorer 6

March 15, 2013

Microsoft apparently is telling anyone and everyone to upgrade from the 11-year-old Windows XP, but it seems that not everyone is listening. At least not the Australian Taxation Office.

Despite the company’s best efforts to urge businesses, enterprises and institutions to dump the old operating system and make the move to a newer version, ATO is still using Windows XP and — hold your breath — Internet Explorer 6.

An ATO spokesperson, according to CRN said:

“We could not risk undertaking a rollout in early 2013 that may impact on tax time 2013. As part of the contingencies in our planning the decision was taken to move the rollout till after tax time peak processing had ended.”

Seems fair enough — no reason to put productivity at risk!

But this may not be good news for Microsoft, at least not news it wants to hear more often. Not only are users delaying the transition processes, but the fact that a lot of them are planning to move to Windows 7 instead of the company’s latest and greatest, Windows 8.

Sure, you can say any new version is reason enough to rejoice, but things like this only mar the fledging new Windows 8 platform.

Redmond, I am sure, would love to see people and businesses make the move to Windows 8, keeping in mind the differences between both versions, and the fact that once settled with Windows 7, most organizations would probably stay with it for a fair while.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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