Chrome notifications behavior being fixed on Windows

July 8, 2020
Google Chrome

Push notifications are finally getting a look, and will work much better now on Windows. Microsoft has been working on fixing Chrome notifications with a new code commit in elo.

This contribution from Redmond in the open source project should address reliability issues with notifications in the world’s most popular desktop web browser — as well as other browsers that rely on its underlying technology.

With the newly released May 2020 Update, the software titan has made the WinRT toast closed event available to Win32 applications like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

This commit that has now been merged into Chromium platform, has Microsoft explaining that notifications will remain stored in the browser when it enters in the Action Center. This should address these reliability concerns.

As Microsoft notes:

“NotificationPlatformBridgeWin will store locally in memory the expected displayed notifications. The notifications synchronization task will dispatch close event for the notification that is no longer displayed. The synchronization task run every 10 minutes.”

There had been user reports that Chrome would often times not open the specific URL in the notifications toast when they received multiple notifications in Action Center of Windows 10.

Clicking on one that was not the latest would result in the web browser not opening the specific URL that was included in those notifications.

Of course, there were other reliability problems as well that forced Microsoft to take a look.

For older versions of Windows 10, the software titan plans to detect when notifications are closed by periodically checking the web notification state of Chromium.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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