Chrome OS Will Run Windows Apps This Fall

August 6, 2020
Chrome OS

Windows apps sure are going places! It was back in June that we learned about Google teaming up with Parallels to bring native support for Windows software and programs on its Chrome OS platform.

Not many details were provided at that time.

It was a teaser, after all.

But now, Parallels has expanded on that announcement, with all the details we need.

The virtualization expert explains that you will be able to run a full Windows virtual machine on your Chrome OS PC and run any application you want — no Internet required. And since this is a virtualized environment, no dual-boot required either.

Parallels for Chrome Enterprise

In the words of Nick Dobrovolsiky, Parallels Senior Vice President of Engineering and Customer Support:

“Parallels Desktop for Chromebook Enterprise will make it simple for IT administrators to provision Chromebooks with Windows virtual machines and the required full-featured Windows applications employees need to run. IT admins will be able to easily manage familiar automated corporate Windows image deployments they prepare, provision, and automatically provide to their employees. Those virtual machines are fully capable Windows installations; admins can install applications, manage them remotely, and support users with familiar tools—just like they do with physical Windows PCs.”


Only caveat being that this ability will be limited to Chrome OS Enterprise for now, which is both understandable and expected. This feature is targeted specifically at business customers for now, but at some point, could be expanded on to include support for emulators.

You know, for emulators that could be used in software development.

Parallels is, for all intents and purposes, Google’s virtualization solution for Chrome OS, similar to how Microsoft has Hyper-V going for itself on Windows 10.

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Competitors · Enterprise · Featured · Software · Strategy

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

All Comments

  • I find this very cool but I’m guessing it will be necessary to have a more “powerful” ChromeBook with 16GB of RAM, big CPU and so on to be able to create Windows virtual machine inside Chrom OS. However, one of the biggest advantage of Chrome is you can have a Chrombook for less money than Windows PC for a similar hardware configuration. I mean a 500 or 600 € Chromebook is already a premium one where the same amount of money you’ve a limited Windows PC and no MacBook. But we will see 🙂

    Thibault August 8, 2020 4:05 am Reply

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