Control Panel Links Now Point To Settings

November 4, 2020
Control Panel

The drive to move away from the classic Control Panel in Windows has picked up pace in recent months, and Microsoft seem to have taken another giant leap now.

Redmond has moved even more items from the classic panel to the modern settings app in order to provide users with a more modern experience in the OS. With this change, the company seems to be ready to move to the next phase of this transition.

This has been covered in this report, which reveals that links to the Windows Control Panel no longer open the classic pages. Instead users are pointed to Settings.

At the same time, this change is also reflected in third-party applications, like shortcuts in File Explorer that previously linked to the classic panel. These now lead to Settings as well to provide a more cohesive experience.

With this, the software titan is moving further ahead in its quest to do away with Control Panel.

Previously, this neatly designed section of the operating system was the go-to place for everything in the operating system. Back in the Windows 7 days, that is.

But with the advent of the modern variants of the OS, this familiar menu for setting up your system just the way you want it has taken the back seat. Options and features are steadily being pushed to the new Settings up.

These are often improved upon, though code debt often creeps up and some are left behind.

You win some, you lose some.

Article Categories:
Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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