Dell XPS 10 Gets A Price Cut, Now Available For $300

May 15, 2013

The trend of price cuts on Windows RT tablets continues. It was just a month or so ago that a number of tablets running Microsoft’s version of Windows for ARM received price drops.

And now Dell has followed it up with another one — the hardware maker has announced that it will be cutting the price of its Windows RT tablet, the XPS 10, to a mouth-watering $299.99. This puts the device down $150 from its previous level, and a full $200 off its original asking price.

The 10-inch Dell XPS 10 launched in late 2012, October to be precise.

This marks the first time a Windows RT tablet had been officially priced below (or well, price at) the $300 range. But the 32GB version of the XPS 10 can be yours now for this price. Dell is, however, selling it at a higher price that includes optional extras.

Or you can opt for the 64GB version of the aforementioned slate with a mobile keyboard dock and a 4G LTE antenna for AT&T’s network at what the original price of $499.99.

Dell has obviously made it very clear that it is in the ARM game for a long run, and still plans to release products powered by Windows RT in the future. But the company obviously wants to clear inventory and make space for new (smaller) tablets running Windows RT 8.1.

Smaller 7 or 8 inch slates are a big part of the companywide Blue initiative at Microsoft, and the technology titan expects to see several new models in this smaller form factor populate the store shelves before the year is out.

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Microsoft · Windows 8 Tablets · Windows RT

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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