Download ISOs For Windows 10 20H2

August 26, 2020
Windows 10 ISO

Want to get started with a clean installation of the next Windows feature update? Well, you’re in luck! Microsoft has just released the ISOs for Windows 10 20H2.

The images are available for Windows Insiders to download right away.

20H2 may not be high on new features, but there are a few new additions to the OS in this version. Most notably, the new Edge web browser now comes built-in, and there is a refreshed Start Menu. It also changes the way versions numbers are handled on the operating system.

That’s because instead of having a year and month like previous versions did, it will retain the year and the half from here on. Meaning, while 20H1 became version 2004, 20H2 will remain 20H2.

Now, while the ISO images released today are technically a preview, there is very little that will be different between these and what arrives in production later this year. And that’s because 20H2 is nothing more than an enablement package that bumps up the build number by one.

Microsoft has also released new ISOs for the rs_prerelease branch, meaning you can download the newly released build 20201 in this form as well. It arrived in the Dev channel today. Likewise, ISOs for the Release Preview ring have also been updated to build 10941, from build 18363.

You can download the new ISOs below.

Download: Windows 10 20H2 ISOs

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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