Drag and drop coming back to the Windows 11 Taskbar?

November 3, 2021

The return! In the wizarding world of software, there is a thing called code debt. In layman terms, it alludes to features and options that are left behind when moving to a new version.

In this case, moving to Windows 11.

The new operating system has been out in the open for about a month now, and has brought with it a range of new additions. Alongside, have been a few subtractions as well — the more prominent among these being the lack of the drag and drop capability in the Taskbar.

Microsoft introduced a massive overhaul of this eternal feature of its operating system in the latest release. And this refresh involved rewriting the codebase of this UI element anew.

The result being many a feature missing altogether from the premiere version of Windows 11. One such miss was the ability to drag and drop icons and files straight into the Taskbar to open files and folders or pin elements.

This is something that, obviously, caused some confusion in the community, but Redmond covered it by saying that the idea was to make everything more straightforward and focus on simplicity and productivity.

Ironic, considering drag and drop is right about the most productive thing you can do in the Windows UI.

Good thing, then, that there is now talk that the company is bringing this feature back.

Reportedly, development is underway, and Insiders will get their hands on this option in a build that is on schedule to arrive sometime in early 2022. That is to say, a test version that folks will get access to after Christmas.

Remains to be seen whether this will be a simple port, or whether Microsoft intends to amp up this feature with some bells and whistles.

In any case, this is a trademark feature of Windows, and it is good to see signs of its return!

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Featured · Features · User Interface · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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