Edge 102 breaks printing for some reason

June 3, 2022

Name a better duo than Windows and printer errors. How about Edge and printer errors? While the OS was embroiled in a lengthy printer problem not too long ago, the browser has now joined the party.

The latest web browser, Edge 102, was released as a stable version a day or two ago. Surprisingly, this new update does not contain any notable new features, apparently focusing on policies and bug fixes.

But apparently, problems while attempting to print are also thrown into the mix.

Several early adopters of Microsoft Edge version 102 are complaining that they are facing issues with browser printing after updating to the latest release. In fact, printing any documents accessed via the latest stable version of Edge is no longer possible for many users.

It was believed that this pesky issue could be plaguing localized versions of Microsoft Edge, but further attempts to print through English and French versions indicate that the problem exists in all variants.

Entire networks with Edge 102 seem to be facing issues while printing documents:

Well, shucks!

Since it is not immediately clear what is causing the problem, no solution exists as of yet.

Some users who encountered this issue claim that downgrading Microsoft Edge to version 101 solves the issue, but this is not universally replicated. There are conflicting reports from users who tried to go back to the previous version of the browser.

Besides, downgrading the browser is not exactly simple, even though Edge installers are available from the Microsoft Edge business download site for all supported desktop platforms.

Incidentally, Google Chrome also reached version 102 a few days back with no reported problems. Affected Edge users have no choice but to try printing their documents by accessing them in Chrome or any other web browser, for that matter.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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