Edge 102 here with no notable new feature

June 3, 2022

Plenty of new policies in this release if you’re into those sorts of things. Google released Chrome 102 to the Stable channel last week, and not the one to be left behind, Microsoft also did the same for Edge.

Even though this new version comes four weeks after Edge 101, it does not include new features, which is not surprising.

Typically, an Edge update includes both feature updates and policy updates in addition to the regular dose of specific security issues that the development team fixed in that particular cycle. But not this time around, as there are only new policy updates for IT and system admins.

The reason for this is not that the Edge development team is slacking off, far from it.

Microsoft recently shifted to a four-week release cycle for Edge just like Google Chrome. Previously, the company used to release major updates every six weeks, but adopted this change following the launch of Edge 94.

And while a four-week release cycle ensures faster updates for users, it has a clear downside that the company is unable to pack in as many features into these new versions as it could, would, or should.

But that’s modern software development for you!

As is usual, this version 102 release is available both for Windows and macOS systems.

As for what’s new in Edge 102, there are 4 new group policies for you to take a look at. As per the roadmap, this version of the browser also enables PDF support for JavaScript and XML Forms Architecture-based forms.

Redmond also sneakily enabled a new feature that lets you quickly perform a reverse search on the browser. You can hover over images and click on the camera-like icon that pops up to reverse image search the media on Bing.

And in case you don’t like the reverse image search integration, you can click on the three dots to hide it for select sites, or disable it entirely.

Microsoft also fixed 31 security issues while at it.

While Edge 102 is clearly a disappointment if you were expecting new features, the next update for the web browser could ship with a few new welcome additions. A fair amount is cooking behind the doors at Redmond, and we only have to wait another four weeks.

That’s modern software development for you!

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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