Edge, Chrome Grow As Firefox Declines

August 3, 2020

What a timeline! There was a time when Firefox market share was touching the stratosphere. But the rise of Chrome, and the arrival of a new challenger in Edge, means that it is now the primary victim.

Of the success of both these web browsers.

Both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge managed to increase their market share in July 2020. This, according to the latest numbers provided by NetMarketShare that reveal that Mozilla Firefox is losing market share fast.

So fast, in fact, that it has already lost the second place.

Chrome and Edge are now spearheading the desktop browser market, and this is a reality that was foreshadowed by Mozilla when Microsoft first announce the switch to the Chromium technology for its web browser.

Getting down to the numbers, we have Chrome increasing its market share from 70.19% to 71.11%, while Edge jumped from 8.08% to 8.09%.

Meanwhile, Firefox saw a decline from 7.58% to 7.36%.

Of course, the fact that Microsoft now offers Edge as the default web browser on Windows 10 has a big part to play in this here development. The software titan officially made its new browser available for all earlier this year, and followed it with commencing the rollout a few months back.

Right now, the company offers the new Edge as both a manual download and an automatic update on Windows 10 devices.

Small wonder that its usage is skyrocketing.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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