Edge finding it hard to breach the 11% mark

November 1, 2022

A little less conversation, a little more action, please! Few Microsoft products are as dynamic as Edge in the sense that the fledgling web browser is continually updated with new features and technologies.

Many of these are required additions, some are welcome, and a few veer towards bloatware territory.

But despite the company’s best efforts, Edge is finding it hard to gain a big market share. Redmond is finding it hard to get its web browser past the 10% share mark, with things stagnating a bit these last few months.

Of course, this picture has been painted by none other than StatCounter, the firm that also released the figures for the desktop market share for this month.

StatCounter Browser September 2022

And data shows that Google Chrome remains the absolute king of the hill in these parts, with its 66.46% share of the market. This, despite the fact that it lost 1.12 points in October. But a dip like this does nothing to chip away at the commanding lead the world’s most popular browser has.

Less impressive is the showing from the second most popular browser, with Edge gaining a measly 0.05 points to end up with a 10.85% share.

That is to say, the situation has been relatively unchanged for Microsoft’s solution for five months now.

Apple Safari rounds up the top three desktop browsers list with a 9.38% share, up 0.45 points. Firefox comes in fourth with 7.05%, losing 0.22 points. Opera closes the top five with 3.61%, gaining 0.67 points the last time we checked.

And just like Windows XP, which refused to give up some eight years after its high-profile retirement, Internet Explorer also has a never-say-die attitude, holding on to about 0.8% of the global desktop browser market share.

That will likely change, as Microsoft plans to disable IE on specific versions of Windows 10 on February 14, 2023.

Talk about a Valentine’s Day present.

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Browsers · Edge · Featured · Features · Statistics

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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