Edge now has an improved efficiency mode

November 22, 2021

Microsoft Edge continues its odyssey of picking up new features left and right. But Redmond knows that performance and efficiency are also things that go a long way in making a browser a leader.

This is why fans of Edge prefer it over the likes of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Well, if you are one, then you will be pleased to know that the latest update to Edge is bringing to you another new feature.

A feature that will give Edge the edge over the competition!

The company now calls this feature Efficiency Mode after formerly labeling it Performance Mode.

And as it says on the tin, it will allow users to optimize their web browsing responsiveness. This new feature has been designed to minimize power usage and reduce CPU and memory usage.

Redmond claims that the optimization will extend battery life while also improving the operating system’s performance. That said, the benefits of the performance mode on Edge might vary depending on your device, applications, and individual browser habits.

So how does it work, you ask?

Well, Edge will now automatically put background tabs to sleep after 5 minutes of inactivity. As you might suspect, this currently works when the Sleeping Tabs feature is on in the web browser.

Microsoft does warn that there may be some issues when you use the feature.

For example, Edge’s animation could slow down when you’re not actively using the browser. This is most noticeable when you minimize the browser, open another app, and then return to the browser.

Also enabling Efficiency Mode can also cause videos to be less smooth, so it might be a good idea to disable the feature when you’re streaming YouTube or Netflix.

But for the most part, these efficiency additions benefit anyone who runs Edge alongside other apps on Windows, particularly those who use mobile devices like tablets and ultrathin laptops that could use a couple of extra hours on the move.

This feature is currently available in Microsoft Edge 95 and has been rolled out to everyone.

Article Categories:
Browsers · Edge · Featured · Features · Performance

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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