Edge will let you nickname your passwords

August 19, 2022

Now, who wouldn’t like that? Password management is essential for a safe online experience, and web browsers continue to evolve in this regard to make the process easier.

This time, Edge is taking another step to help you deal with your passwords.

The latest build landing in the Dev channel of its preview program brings along a few handy new features. Edge Dev build 106.0.1349.1 is the one you are looking for, and it comes with a small selection of notable changes and new capabilities.

Unlike the latest Beta release for version 105, which is rather light on new additions.

As for the new features in this release, Microsoft lists three things.

First, new policies from upstream and corresponding downstream changes have been added. The developers have also added History Date Filtering on the full page for History, which lets you filter your browsing history by date.

Likewise, users can also add nicknames for their passwords after this feature is enabled in this build.

There are also a few additions that improve the overall reliability of Edge.

To that end, pinning options are disabled in the menu for a specific website if that website is already pinned to the taskbar. Edge also now comes with improved smart history searches, meaning you can search for videos from last week if you want to.

On the Android side of things, we also have an improved camera feature for websites.

This release also includes a small array of changed behavior, details of which you can gather from the changelog above.

Microsoft Edge Dev will automatically update itself the next time you launch the browser. Alternatively, you can also navigate to Settings to force update the web browser. And if you want to download the latest Insider build on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android, you can do so below.

Download: Edge Dev

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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