Edge with an Acrylic title bar looks slick

July 27, 2020
Edge Acrylic Concept

Microsoft is moving full steam ahead with its Fluent Design philosophy, as it looks to amp up its implementation across its software and services.

However, that is not stopping concept designers from creating their own implementations of what they feel the company could try its proverbial hand at. Most designers focus on the Fluent Design, but some envision a different route.

Like this fine creation.

A mockup recently posted on Reddit envisions a UI update for the Microsoft Edge web browser that makes use of the Acrylic effect that Windows users have grown accustomed to. This is splattered across the title bar, with some rounded corners thrown in for good measure.

Makes for an appropriately modern look and feel:

Edge Acrylic Concept

However, like most concepts, this one will remain a dream, unless someone steps up to create a custom third-party software that refresh the user interface like this.

And that’s because Redmond recently said that the implementation of Fluent Design in Edge is pretty much done, with no major changes planned. The browser will continue to evolve with the design system as a whole, but effects like transparency and acrylic are not the focus for the software titan.

Besides, the most we can expect are the design sense and sensibilities that are being built into the upcoming Windows 10X operating system make their way to the mainline platform.

Taking detours like this may not be the best way to go about it.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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