Firefox 80 Doubles As A PDF Viewer

August 26, 2020

Mozilla has just released Firefox 80 on all supported platforms, and this major release of the browser brings along a number of new features, important changes, and security fixes.

The highlight being the fact that starting with this version, Firefox can be configured as the default PDF viewer on your system. Meaning, the web browser can open every single PDF file straight up without any configuration needed.

This change comes at a time when Microsoft has amped up the PDF capabilities of Edge, allowing users running the new browser a more streamlined way to view their books and documents.

Mozilla did not want to miss out on the fun!

In addition to this handy new feature, there are 10 different security patches included in Firefox 80 that protect the web browser from vulnerabilities like escalation of privileges, overflow errors, and side channel attacks.

Several fixes are also part of this release, including those for crashes experienced when using a screen reader. The Firefox maker has also improved the Developer Tools to allow screen readers to access more information.

There is also the new addons blocklist that now comes enabled by default, which the company says should improve both performance and scalability.

Speaking of performance, there is a tweak for the number of animations that run in the web browser for users with reduced motion settings. Tab loading animations have had their motion toned down for users that might suffer from migraines and epilepsy.

As usual, the new version of Firefox is shipping through the built-in browser update system.

But it can also be downloaded from the link below.

Download: Firefox 80

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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