First Windows 10 April 2018 Update Videos Are Here

April 30, 2018

Microsoft has released a bunch of new videos, first of their kind for the Windows 10 April 2018 update, the newest major version of the operating system that the company officially announced last week.

The clips, four of them, do a good job highlighting the new features coming to users.

While this OS does not actually come with a massive number of additions, there are enough improvements and enhancements in the April 2018 Update that they are sure to come in handy, both for home users and professionals.

For example, Timeline, is one of the features that Redmond discusses in these video that allows users to create snapshots of Windows 10 and what they were doing and return to their activity any time.

Redmond also highlighted Focus Assist, a rebrand and improved version of Quiet Hours. Among the capabilities of this feature is the ability to silent notifications. Comes in real handy when doing a presentation, or projecting something on a big screen.

You can watch the clips below, by the way:

Also highlighted are the new touches that have come to Microsoft Edge, like the ability to mute tabs, as well as the rollout of the Fluent Design language in the fledgling web browser. Edge still lacks in a number of areas, so any improvements are welcome for the app.

The final clip shows off the dictation capabilities of the Windows 10 April 2018 update.

Nice roundups, these.

Microsoft is set to release the Windows 10 April 2018 update for manual download later today, while the official rollout will commence on Patch Tuesday next month. Which is to say that it will ship to users via Windows Update on May 8.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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