For the love of Pete! When will Windows XP die?!!

June 17, 2011

the death of Windows XP and my desire to see that. Seems like no one using XP was listening. By the end of March 2011, Windows 7 was powering 20.9 percent of corporate PCs, according to a new Forrester Research report, while Windows XP was on 60 percent of business PCs — down from 69 percent a year ago. Forrester’s report, “Corporate Desktop Operating System And Browser Trends, Q2 2010 To Q2 2011″ included results from Forrester’s analysis of more than 400,000 client PCs at 2,500 companies. The June 16 report includes 12 months of data collected between the start of the second calendar quarter of 2010 through the end of the first calendar quarter of 2011. As hardware continues to age, the Windows 7 deployment pace is accelerating, the Forrester researchers said, as “I&O (infrastructure and operations) teams tie their upgrade into the natural PC refresh cycle of their business.” On brand-new PCs being deployed by businesses, Windows 7 usage is even higher (at 31 percent). Forrester is predicting that number (Windows 7 deployment on brand new business PCs) will hit 83 percent within a year. Adding to the Windows 7 upgrade pace is the fact that Windows Vista is on its way out, the researchers said. “Windows Vista adoption peaked at nearly 14% in November 2009, and its share has since shrunk in half as firms upgrade their employees to Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1).” Windows XP share was also down among business users over the past year, Forrester noted, declining 9 points, to 60 percent. But XP still remains, by a long shot, the “most widely deployed desktop OS” among those surveyed. The stats [caption id="attachment_4361" align="alignnone" width="590"]forrester pc os share forrester pc os share[/caption] 60 percent! In 2011? No comment… Source]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • I worked on a research project at NPL (National Physical Laboratory) Teddington in the UK and they still use Windows XP, luckily the place where I work now has just upgraded most of its systems to Windows 7. To be honest im a little surprised businesses dont wait for the Windows 8 release, yes they would most probably wait until SP1 was released however if Windows 8 is as good as its predecessor then that would be a better choice? Windows xp is still supported until 2014, and most of the computers running Windows xp are still capable of running all essential applications well. We know Windows 8 is coming next year, and we know that microsoft will do everything to avoid the mistakes it did with vista, if I was a large corporation, I would seriously consider waiting for Windows 8.

    xinu June 17, 2011 2:31 pm Reply
  • I run a small network – 20 stations in the main office and 7 in a branch.  All still run XP and will continue to do so until Microsoft stops support.  Why? Several reasons; number one being the accounting software we use requires a $15,000.00 migration fee in order to operate in the Win7 environment – we are a small company and with the times as they are the cost cannot be justified. Secondly, the employees are all very settled in with the XP environment and the “re-learning”  (albeit, not that difficult) is another cost factor the powers that be are not willing to shoulder.  Finally, I know XP inside and out, upside down and sideways – I have overcome every problem the OS has thrown at me and the network runs smoothly, thus making my job a lot easier.  I do run several PC’s under the Win7 environment and I have found that it is a much more stable OS.  It also has many features and potential that are not present in XP – however, until the people who control the purse strings are forced to upgrade – XP it is……………

    Gustaff June 18, 2011 1:37 am Reply
    • Well said dude.
      XP still remains a pain in the ass after all these years because (ironically) it’s so stable.
      Glad to hear that you like windows 7 though.

      Onuora Amobi June 18, 2011 7:36 am Reply

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