Free registration for BUILD 2022 now open

April 26, 2022

Mark your calendars, folks! Microsoft is ready to hold its flagship annual developer conference. As was the case the previous two years, BUILD 2022 will take place online, meaning everyone can join for free.

That is, if you want to virtually visit BUILD to catch up with what Microsoft is cooking when it comes to the latest development tools and related innovations. Everyone who is anyone at the Redmond-based company will be there to talk about their respective areas of interest.

This year, the event is set for May 24-26.

And keep in mind this date, the company has now opened registrations on the official BUILD website.

They are open to everyone, of course, as the software giant shifted from in-person to virtual events in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. BUILD 2022 is no exception, as Microsoft is not yet ready to host a large in-person conference.

The company does say that this edition of BUILD will help developers innovate without compromise, develop creatively, and build the next generation of apps for more than one billion devices.

13 speakers from Microsoft are set to take the stage at the event, including Satya Nadella, Kevin Scott, Amanda Silver, Scott Guthrie, Kathleen Mitford, and others. Attendees will have the chance to learn during live sessions and book time with Microsoft experts.

What differentiates BUILD 2022 from previous developer conferences is the addition of new regional spotlights. The company wants to provide keynote analysis, trending news, and topics for specific regions such as France, Germany, Japan, Latin America, and the UK.

May 24-26, 2022, be the date.

You can find out more information about this anticipated event on the official website.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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