From App Snapping Changes to Tile Resizing, Windows Blue Brings a Lot to the Table

March 25, 2013

Earlier today we took a look at just a few new features coming to Windows Blue, since then we’ve learned even more about Windows Blue and so with that in mind we are creating an article that highlights all the biggest changes that are currently confirmed to be coming with Windows 8 Blue.

Improved App Snapping

In Windows 8, you could snap 2 apps at once with a 75/25 share of the screen real-estate. With Windows Blue, you can now have a 50/50 shared real-estate between too apps, or you can even change it to other defaults including the previous 75/25 size.

Why is this important? It could really enhance the multi-tasking experience in the Modern UI. It isn’t quite the same multi-tasking experience as you’d get with desktop, but it is an improvement nonetheless.

Computer Settings becoming more touch-optimized

In Windows 8 you had to head to the standard desktop to do quite a few things, but in Windows Blue a few more of the settings are making their way over to the modern UI.

Live Tile Resizing

With Windows Blue you get the ability to control your live tile sizes in many new ways by choosing from 4×4, 4×2, 2×2 and 1×1 formats. You can even change the color of the tiles.

Picture Frame Mode

We covered this one already, but it a nutshell, it turns your lock screen into a picture frame that pulls photos both locally or from the cloud.

News Apps Built into Blue

With Windows Blue you will see several new apps such as a new calculator, alarm clock and sound recorder.

Modern UI File Manager App

It’s about time, but we are finally get a Modern UI file manager app.

Internet Explorer 11

The next version of Internet Explorer will be available in Windows Blue.


With Windows Blue, you will get the ability to change accent colors, main background color and so much more. Right now, some of these features aren’t actually working in Blue, but it is clear that personalization will play a role.

Automatic Modern app updates

Windows Blue’s apps will no longer be updated manually, as long as you have the automatic updates feature turned on. Similar to updating in Windows desktop, having the feature on means that you won’t have to keep up with making sure your apps are up to date going forward.

Summing it up…

That’s it for now, but you can start to see– Windows Blue has quite a few changes in store. Are any of them ground-breaking? No, in fact some of the arguably should have been in Windows 8 from day one. Still, better late than never, right?

What do you think of Windows Blue’s feature set based on what we know so far? Anything you feel should have been added that doesn’t seem to be on the feature list just yet?

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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