Google Chrome Now Officially Has 70% Of The Market

July 6, 2020
Google Chrome Flag

Welp. Redmond may be playing the game a tad too aggressive with Microsoft Edge, but the company has its reasons. Reasons like Google Chrome now having cornered 70% of the market.

The desktop web browser market, that is to say.

Chrome just breached this share, and has been found running on no less than 70.19% of the connected computers across the globe. Edge is also slightly up, going from 7.86% to 8.07%, while Firefox saw an uptick from 7.23% to 7.58%.

But there is no doubt who is the leader here.

NetMarketShare Browser June 2020

These numbers, of course, come from NetMarketShare, who put up this month’s report that also showed Windows 10 increasing its standings by a fraction in June.

The Windows ecosystem overall now hovers around an 86% market share, with macOS, Linux and even Chrome OS making things difficult for the world’s number desktop operating platform. All said, Windows still is in a very good position.

It’s the browser space that is the real battleground.

Microsoft Edge is brimming with new features, with the software titan having done a good job of keeping parity with Google Chrome, even keeping pausing development to keep things in line with the Chromium project.

But a lot more needs to be done to begin reversing the trend.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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