Justin Angel, a Nokia employee. Angel adds at the end of the now-offline article: We’ve seen a myriad of issues and offered potential fixes to them all. Any mildly competent developer can productize these security attack vectors into shipping products. If Microsoft doesn’t take it upon itself to fix these security attack vectors it’s not because it couldn’t, it’s because it chooses not to. While it sounds like Angel was more trying to make a point about security flaws than anything else, that’s what happened. Instead an employee of Microsoft’s closest Windows Phone ally released information on how to hack and steal from the Windows Store. Needless to say, Nokia is probably now short one employee. I understand that there are security flaws in Microsoft’s Windows Store and new Start UI, but there are certainly more constructive and less stupid ways to address them then this. What do you think of Justin Angel posting this information? [ source ]]]>
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I hope he’s not fired fired. Stuff happens.
I say as long as he’s not being charged criminaly, and he did not do it on Nokia’s time then @nokia #nokia should #buttout
I think he will get punished enough on the interwebz… (This will hunt him on Google for ever). He should have contacted MS directly, I dont know if they too give out prizes like others too. (like if you tell a big vendor: hey, I know a hack for your system), some of them pay you top dollars for the hack-tip and they get to fix it. Then everyone is happy!
Well, he’s found a problem, but it has nothing to do with Microsoft. That is the developers’ choice to store information like that in an insecure location. Windows 8 provides a secure storage mechanism to put this kind of information in. If they choose not to use it, it’s not Microsoft’s fault. I’m so sick and tired of people trying to blame everything on Microsoft. Get a grip.
I agree with you Cravon.
I’m sorry, but he should be reprimanded. Perhaps not fired, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Nokia doesn’t need this kind of press right now, because anything that hurts Microsoft’s platform ultimately hurts them. The execs at Nokia get that and repeat that refrain often. At least it wasn’t about flaws in WP8 games! That would really have been embarrassing. And I do agree that this does seem to be a developer problem, not a Microsoft problem. However, if he wanted to release this information, there are ways to do so without it doesn’t obviously point right back to him. That’s career suicide. If he keeps his job, he’s lucky. Post on an anonymous forum if you’re so determined to post about that.
I think he should be paid big bucks for revealing the stupidity of others