HoloLens 2 To Get Display Improvements Via Software

August 27, 2020
HoloLens 2

Microsoft introduced HoloLens 2 last year at the Mobile World Congress, with the second-generation headset bringing improvements to battery life, size, and display over the first-generation model.

The device officially started shipping in November.

Since then, purchasers of the $3,500 noted that despite improvements to the display, there were some rather serious issues. So serious that Microsoft published a support page detailing why certain problems might occur alongside troubleshooting tips.

Now, though, the software titan is promising more improvements to the HoloLens 2 display, and these will be delivered through software updates.

One such improvement is automatic eye position calibration. Instead of having to manually calibrate the display for specific eye positions, the calibration will happen in the background. An added benefit of this is that active color correction can be done on the fly.

Redmond is also adding in a reading mode for its Mixed Reality headset that increases the angular resolution of the content at the expense of the field of view.

HoloLens 2 will get the ability to sacrifice 30% of its field of view to get a matching increase in angular resolution to make reading a more comfortable experience. This capability is being added to the Mixed Reality Toolkit so that developers can build experiences with it.

Microsoft did not specify when these improvements will be available.

But if we go by history, they should not be too far off.

Article Categories:
Featured · Hardware · HoloLens · Windows Mixed Reality

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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