How to Adopt Remote Working for Boosting Productivity at Work?

June 29, 2020
Remote working

Remote working thanks to new technology is now a viable option for employees and organizations around the world. Individuals opt for work-from-home, depending on their circumstances and have to work remotely.

The causes can be many – pandemic, political disturbance, severe weather conditions, etc. For instance, in recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many business owners to move to a remote working model.

It has given organizations the opportunity to set rules and measures for improving productivity. Remote working setups are growing more popular it seems with each passing day. Take a look below at some steps to get maximum productivity from your remote workforce.

Ways to boost remote working productivity for your business

  1. Ensure security for files and information – Every business owner should know how to keep their business files secure and prevent major privacy concerns. Especially if your business is going under digital transformation. To start with, make sure that your employees have licensed security software installed on their work devices.You do not want a threat coming in from their systems into your servers, as it can prove quite costly. Advise employees to be organized and vigilant at all times to further improve productivity.They should upload their files to the designated locations specified by you. Each employee should also store physical copies on their devices. Security is the single most important aspect of any remote working setup. You can also do consulting for office 365 mailbox encryption for securing your emails
  2. Establish time tracking measures – A great way of monitoring productivity is using time tracking tools. Such applications like: Big Time and clockify help business owners ensure accountability from their remote employees.Set timeframes for team meetings, conference calls, and work delivery through project management and time tracking tools. Many businesses are using tracking software to manage large remote working teams. It unifies business and technologies in the emergency situations like Covid19
  3. Recording meetings for future reference – Face-to-face meetings at the office meeting room are quite different than ones with remote workers over the Internet. In some cases, remote meetings can prove to be less effective when it comes to getting points across. This is one of the key reasons why many businesses are now adapting to Microsoft Teams and recording meetings for future reference.Recordings enable managers and executives to easily keep track of what has already been discussed in previous meetings. Remote working employees who have missed past sessions can also benefit from observing the recorded footage.New hires can utilize meeting recordings to get up to speed with the company’s current priorities and projects.
  4. Provide all necessary technology tools – Business owners should provide employees with all necessary productivity, technology, and collaboration tools. You should leave no room for guesswork and productivity loss and ensure that employees have stable Internet connections. Business owners may also consider employees taking their work computer home to reduce the hassle.Group managers can undergo Microsoft Teams training to understand the capabilities of this powerful application. Doing so can help them gain better control over employee activities. Briefing employees about different applications may also be necessary.
  5. Employees can now easily report their work status through sophisticated collaboration solutions like Microsoft Teams. According to study there are now more than 20 Millions using Teams apps daily. The application also lets team leads and managers observe the active status of their remote working employees.Instructing your employees to share work status on a regular basis can simplify how the workforce is managed.
  6. Engage with employees – You can have a group call in the morning to brief employees and get their input about work progress. Scheduling calls later in the workday can also work to understand how well your employees are progressing.You can get in touch with Microsoft teams support professionals to understand the technical aspects of team meetings. Doing so can improve your interactions with your team and ensure your all on the same page. Microsoft Teams has helped teams to collaborate even more before.Regular team calls are also excellent for propagating ideas and stating objectives effectively. They also help build both team and individual morale
  7. Coordination across different teams – Inter-team coordination can prove to be a real challenge for businesses across industry verticals if they are moving towards digital transformation. Yet, fluid communication must exist to ensure effective collaboration between different teams.Cutting-edge remote working collaboration applications offer intuitive features for uninterrupted and instant communication between teams even on their mobile devices and tablets. Incorporating such a solution and briefing remote employees for using its coordination features is the best way forward.

Follow the tips given below to obtain the highest level of remote working productivity and security in your organization. Implement them and witness the difference in your business today.

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Aaron Kaiser is the Business Director and one of the principal partners at EPC Group. Aaron works very closely with the development team on client projects to ensure clients are satisfied with the solutions provided. One of his favorite quotes is “No one ever fired an IT partner for over-communicating during projects.”

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