How To Change The Location Where New Apps Are Installed

August 23, 2017

Previous versions of Windows only allowed you to save and install your programs in one of the attached hard drives on the PC, but Windows 10 can have apps installed from the Store to several different areas.

Including SD cards and USB flash drives.

Windows 10 will create an encrypted WindowsApps folder in the new external drive that you select as default, and install the apps and games there. Only your account will have access to that folder, no one else will.

This is how you can change the location where new apps are installed in Windows 10.

1. Open the Settings app, and click on the System option.

2. Here, click on Storage on the left side.

3. You will see More storage settings on the right, underneath which is the Change where new content is saved link. Click or tap on that to open this new panel that not only has selectable options for apps, but documents, music, photos and videos, movies and TV shows, and even offline maps.

4. Make your selection, and close the window.

Any new apps that you install will now be moved to this new location. Existing apps do not get moved. In case you have selected an external drive, your installed apps will no longer work while the drive is disconnected, and will only work when that drive is connected again.

And it is not possible to save apps to network drives.

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