Intel reboots the Mac vs PC ads

March 17, 2021
Justin Long Intel Ad

Return of the classic! Intel sure needs some good marketing now, what with the chip giant facing constant assault from competitors like Apple, AMD, Qualcomm, and even Samsung in the PC space.

And what better way to do that than by rebooting one of the most memorable of advertisements.

Apple had a good thing going with these commercials. The campaign was called “Mac vs PC”, and had Justin Long as the Mac and John Hodgman as the PC. The ads had the Mac politely mocking the PC for some shortcoming or other.

Well, now the advertisement is back, only this time it’s coming from Intel.

Just Long is back, but instead of reprising his role as a Mac, he comes on with the familiar “Hello, I’m a”, and then after a pause says “Justin. Just a real person”.

There are five ads in total, highlighting the areas that are Intel’s strength.

The first ad shows all the different choices and form factors that are the hallmark of the Windows ecosystem, the second one focuses on touchscreens, the third is about 2-in-1s, fourth is gaming, and the fifth one is about the ability to connect more than one external monitor to an Intel PC.

They are all part of a broader push to fight against the new ARM silicon Macs that Apple now sells.

It was back in June that Apple announced its intention to move its entire lineup away from Intel to its own custom ARM based chips. The transition to the company’s M1 processors has been well received, and no better time for Intel to highlight its prowess.

And the fact that these commercials promote the Windows ecosystem is an icing on the cake.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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