Is A New Microsoft Band Coming?

May 5, 2018

With the wearable marketing growing like it is, and companies like Apple striking gold, it is surprising to see Redmond sit out. Particularly, as Microsoft Band stuck a chord with buyers.

Before the Windows powered smart device was rather unceremoniously thrust aside.

However, some new intelligence suggests that the technology giant may be working on a new model, a new Microsoft Band, a new version of its fitness tracker. Some new patents that have been spotted hint that the company is not done with the device.

The first patent is basically a continuation of a previous patent that that company filed for a ring-shaped device that had electronically conductive skin sensors.

These could be used to detect stress levels and other similar bio data from the wearer.

And then there’s the second patent that is about a technology for measuring his or her blood pressure.

Microsoft Band Patent

Of course, since we don’t have an official confirmation from Microsoft, these patents could actually suggest a number of possible devices could be in development. But as the attached diagrams confirm, these are actually Microsoft Band related patents.

Meaning, the company is actively working on wearable devices.

Whether they see the light of the day anytime soon remains the big question.

What do you guys think?

Interested in a new Microsoft Band?

A new and improved Microsoft Band?

Article Categories:
Featured · Hardware · Microsoft

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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