Is CloudBeat 2011 on Your Radar?

November 15, 2011

I’m proud to announce that Windows8update is an official media partner for CloudBeat 2011. The event — taking place November 30 – December 1 at the Hotel Sofitel in Redwood City, CA — is honing in on revolutionary cases of cloud adoption. Through a series of customer-centric case studies, a diverse mix of industry leaders will uncover the key processes and architectures that companies must put in place in order to survive and prosper. Here’s a description of the latest case study:

Netflix is often held up as the poster child of cloud adoption and specifically the adoption of Amazon Web Services. While the technical discussion about what Netflix has done and currently does has been the subject of many presentations, less well known are the business drivers for the move to the cloud. Adrian Cockcroft from Netflix will discuss such issues as the trade-off between cost and agility and the business risk profile that Netflix sees comparing on-premise with cloud.
And a few speakers have just been added to the lineup:
  • Amit Singh, VP, Enterprise Google
  • Lew Tucker, VP & CTO, Cloud Computing, Cisco
  • Thomas Kelly, Enterprise Architect for Cloud Services, Best Buy
  • Aaron Levie, Co-Founder & CEO,
  • Allan Leinwand, CTO, Infrastructure Engineering, Zynga
  • Byron Sebastian, Heroku GM & Executive VP, Platforms, Salesforce
  • Lew Moorman, CSO & President, Cloud, Rackspace
  • Luis Robles, Venture Capitalist, Sequoia Capital
  • Solomon Hykes, Co-Founder & CEO, dotCloud
CloudBeat 2011 will bring together 500 executives — from the hottest cloud startups and leading cloud providers to Fortune 500 companies — with a mix of CEO’s, CIO’s, CTO’s, VP’s of product development, analysts, investors, press, and more. The content will be fresh and actionable, and VentureBeat events have become known for their excellent networking opportunities. It gets better. For readers of Windows8update, here’s a link for a 20% discount rate: Hope to see you there!]]>

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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