Microsoft Edge Is Introducing Storage Access API

July 9, 2020
Microsoft Edge

Microsoft has announced that it’s working on a new privacy feature for Microsoft Edge. Going by the name of Storage Access API, which will provide users with more transparency into how their browsing experience is being affected by privacy settings.

The software titan detailed this newest addition in a blog post.

Edge, by design, offers tracking protection. This feature is on by default, and helps block unwanted access by any untrusted or third-party websites.

This new addition is essentially a capability designed to assist developers in implementing the functionality to let visitors temporarily suspend certain aspects of their browser’s tracking preventing features.

Edge Storage Access API

Developers will get a way to determine whether their site’s access to browser storage is restricted by a user’s privacy settings. If so, they can directly request storage access from users. Doing so will ensure that the embedded content on that site will continue to work properly.

Plus, the website will also be able to access its own cookies and site data.

When you visit a site on the latest version of Microsoft Edge you may see the following prompt when interacting with third-party content like embedded videos and social media widgets:

Edge Storage Access Notification

The permission will be granted for 30 days from the time you first allow it.

Concerning that privacy remains a major concern for some users, this is a neat addition to the browser.

Storage Access API will gradually roll out for all Microsoft Edge Insiders, so if you are on one of the advanced development channels like Canary or Dev, you may not see the new setting right away on your web browser.

Of course, you can also get early access to this feature by enabling the Storage Access API flag in the tidy old edge://flags section.

Article Categories:
Edge · Featured · Privacy · Software

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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