Microsoft Explains Why Edge Silently Imports Browser Data

June 30, 2020
Edge Pattern

Imply importing. Microsoft Edge has been in the news lately for all the right reasons, save for when the web browser was found importing data from other browsers without user consent

There’s also the little case of Redmond being a bit too aggressive with its new web browser.

But more users are complaining about Edge importing their data before they give permission. The new browser actually imports all of your data from Chrome or Firefox, even before you ask it to. If you decline permissions, then it simply deletes this data.

Obviously, this raises some privacy concerns here, as other browsers never have to ask permission to give up your stuff.

The problem stems from the fact that Microsoft Edge asks to import data from other browses during install time, and does so in the background without user agreeing to it.

And Microsoft is here with the why of it:

“During the first run experience, the customer is presented the opportunity to keep or discard the imported data. This data is discarded if they choose not to proceed with the import. If a customer terminates the new Microsoft Edge browser prematurely during the first run experience (e.g. using Task Manager), residual data may not be fully deleted. We recommend customers not shut down the setup process prematurely to ensure an expected result.”

More like the how of it, not why.

So, the long and short of it is that users can discard the data imported from other browsers. And the company recommends users not to terminate Edge during the first run experience, otherwise the browsing data may not be fully deleted.

Essentially, Edge is not important data, it is imply importing it.

The more pressing concern here is that Microsoft has not really acknowledged the problem of why it is importing this data in the background — clearly a red flag for users that are conscious about their online privacy.

Not good.

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Controversy · Edge · Featured · Privacy · Strategy

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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