The king is dead, long live the (new) king? For time immemorial Microsoft Office has been the cash cow for the Redmond based software giant, bringing even more revenue than Windows.
But with the company now wholly entrenched in services and subscriptions, Microsoft 365 has now taken the center stage.
Microsoft Office may still be the most recognized of names around — what with it being the most popular productivity suite in the entire world — but the bigwigs over at Redmond believe that it is time to move on.
And this is why the company is doing another one of its hallmark rebranding that it does almost every year it seems. This time around, Microsoft Office will be rebranded to Microsoft 365.
Yes, you heard that right!
The name Microsoft Office will soon cease to exist, with the suite of productivity applications getting this new label that better reflects the direction the software titan is heading these days.
This is how the company explains this major transformation that will see it step away from this famous name after approximately 30 years:
“Over the last couple years, Microsoft 365 has evolved into our flagship productivity suite, so we are creating an experience to help you get the most out of Microsoft 365. In the coming months,, the Office mobile app, and the Office app for Windows will become the Microsoft 365 app, with a new icon, a new look, and even more features.”
The transition will begin next month, and the process includes everything from icons and logos, to marketing material and even new features that will be developed to align with the Microsoft 365 brand going forward.
In case you are wondering, the Office apps on desktop and mobile will also go through this change and become Microsoft 365 come January. The applications will automatically update with a new icon and name, with their being no impact to user accounts, profiles, subscriptions, or files.
More information on this transition from Microsoft Office to Microsoft 365 can be found on the FAQ that is available on this page.
Expect Redmond to offer more details about the rebranding when the whole thing begins next month.