Microsoft plans to fix those ginormous menus in Edge

May 20, 2022

Always good to see a company taking user feedback into account. Not everything that the public demands get the green signal from the decision makers at Redmond, but a lot of stuff does.

For instance, those humongous menus in Edge continue to get bigger with each new moon.

This and more feedback have been published in a monthly Top Feedback Summary for Edge post by the software titan at its Tech Community forum. The list features the most popular feedback that the company received from users and how it plans to address it.

Edge users will be pleased to know that Microsoft is aware of the most popular complaints and is taking steps to resolve them.

These include those obnoxiously large context menus, download shelves, and more.

For starters, many Edge users agree that the browser’s menus have grown too big—both the main menu and the context menus. On some devices, the context menus do not even fit on the screen because they are too long or even too wide.

Microsoft has confirmed that they are attempting to address these pain points.

These promised attempts will appear in the Canary channel soon before being rolled out to the stable version of the web browser.

Another thing that customers want from Microsoft is the good old download shelf that appears at the bottom of the screen when a file is downloaded. The company reveals that an alternative is being planned for this idea, and a future update will include a new view for this feature.

And though no specific time frames have been mentioned for the below ideas, these are also being considered by Microsoft to be implemented:

  • Close tabs with a double-click
  • A better way to close vertical tabs
  • The option to move vertical tabs to the right
  • Better tools for managing audio and video autoplay
  • Always open favorites in a new tab
  • Search in Collections
  • Respect default PDF viewer

Pretty good ideas, more or less, and all would be very welcome if implemented correctly.

Other features are desired by Microsoft Edge users, but the company does not plan to implement them yet. You can gather their details at the link above.

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Development · Edge · Featured · Features · Feedback

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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