Microsoft publishes new Windows 11 videos to help users

July 19, 2022

Some would say Microsoft is a bit late to the game. But better late than never, I always say! Microsoft seems to share this belief, as the company has just published a new video series of Windows 11 videos.

These videos are put together to help users learn basic stuff regarding the new OS.

The introductory video series goes by as “Meet Windows 11”, and it highlights the basic instructions for using the operating system as well as a selection of valuable tips that are sure to come in handy for users new to the platform.

You will learn elementary stuff regarding personalization, apps, and tools, as well as the features and capabilities of the Windows 11 operating system.

The first video teaches new users how to use universal search, desktop groups, cloud clipboard, essential shortcuts, and accessibility features in Windows 11.

Second on the agenda is personalizing your experience. You will learn about creating collections in Edge, how to use Windows Widgets, and change desktop backgrounds.

And finally, we have the third clip highlighting the new stock apps included in the OS, like Photos, Phone Link, and the good old Microsoft Store.

Many of these lessons can be considered helpful for newcomers. But more experienced users will not find anything special in these videos, considering this series is aimed at those starting out with the Windows 11 operating system and users looking for refreshers on making the most out of it.

The good news is that every video has a dedicated support page for those of you who want to read about the features instead of watching these clips.

Here you have it for the first, second, and third video.

Job well done!

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Featured · Launch · Videos · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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