Microsoft Reportedly Testing Second Generation Surface Tablets

July 25, 2013

The thing about a devices and services concept is that a company has to regularly update its hardware offerings. Regularly in this case being annually — hardware is an awfully competitive field, after all.

And while Microsoft has recently confirmed that updates for both the Surface RT and the Surface Pro are on the way, and the second generation units of the two tablets are expected to be released within the next 12 months, Ballmer finally talked about the new models in an internal meeting.

Neowin is writing that Microsoft’s head used this occasion to reiterate his high expectations for the upcoming Windows 8.1 operating system, while also confirming the existence of next generation Surface slates.

It seems that some prototype versions of the devices have already been developed and are being tested by teams in Redmond.

These new tablets feature, what Baller calls typical improvements — in other words, hardware upgrades for better performance and enhanced battery life. That’s not to say the next Surface RT may have a few revolutionary features like more connectivity options and what not.

But all said and done, several Microsoft leaders are said to have try these new devices, and the response seems to be very positive until now.

While the Redmond based technology titan is keeping everything a secret on the subject of its next generation tablets, analysts expect this new lineup of devices to be here by the holiday season.

Article Categories:
Microsoft · Windows RT

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Can’t wait for Pro v2.

    Michael Paterson July 30, 2013 5:58 am Reply

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