actually the Lumia 535.
However, Redmond, that recently announced its decision to drop the Nokia moniker and increase focus on the Microsoft Lumia branding, is set to release the first device to wear its badge. And the company talked about the phone on its official blog.
A short post on Nokia Conversations teases that those who want to see #MoreLumia need to come back on November 11 for all the details.
Which is to say that the company will present the very first Microsoft Lumia Windows Phone device this coming Tuesday, and we should have the full lowdown next week during the unveil event. Having said that, we do have some pretty solid rumors on this neat piece of hardware.
Starting with the fact that this is very much a midrange device, with middling hardware specifications.
The company has been keen to take the fight to the various affordable Android handsets, and even though it has not been long since the Lumia 530 made its debut, Microsoft seems to think that the device needs a refresh.
Reports indicate that this upcoming smartphones is to be priced very aggressively, and a $100 price tag in most markets is very likely.
We’ll find out soon enough, just a few days remain.]]>
Microsoft Teases Its First Lumia Branded Windows Phone
November 7, 2014
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