Microsoft wants you to join a new Bug Bash

July 20, 2022

It’s time for a little bug hunting! Microsoft most recently announced two new Windows 11 builds, build 22621.436 and build 22622.436, that landed in the Beta channel.

The latter of these comes with new features enabled.

And to test said features, Redmond wants you to join a good old-fashioned Bug Bash. This is to make sure that these new options are ready for mainstream and arrive for end users without any problems or major issues.

Microsoft talked about enlisting for this new Bug Bash in the announcement post.

Detailing that if you are running this particular build, you can crack open the Feedback Hub to find a selection of Quests that are waiting for you to try and give feedback on. However, the company did not mention what the bug bashers would receive for their efforts.

However, judging by previous such events, participants were awarded a Bug Bash sticker that appeared in the Feedback Hub.

If you want to join, though, you’ll have to be quick.

The Bug Bash will only run between July 20 to July 25 PDT, meaning if you want in on the Quests, you will have to get your machine to update fairly quickly and start spotting and reporting any bugs that you encounter.

For those of you who are curious about the tasks, fairly run-of-the-mill activities await you. Previous Quests included tasks like “Access your Microsoft Account free benefits in Settings” and “Easily find the Settings you need via the Settings in-app search box.”

In other words, these are the simplest of tasks that only the absolute novice would struggle with. But the again, newbies usually are not running a beta build of Windows 11, anyway.

Feel free, then, to join the hunt and provide your feedback to Microsoft — feedback that is sure to come in handy for the company as it gets ready to launch the first feature update for Windows 11 in the coming months.

Article Categories:
Bugs · Events · Featured · Insiders · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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