Minecraft: Education Edition Arrives On Chromebooks

August 10, 2020
Minecraft: Education Edition

The Minecraft train keeps chugging along. This time, it’s headed for the world of Chromebooks, as Microsoft has made available Minecraft: Education Edition on this platform.

This competing platform, so to say.

Chromebooks have been bringing the heat lately, particularly in the education and business segments. But that’s done nothing to stop Microsoft from collaborating with the Google Education team in making this release a reality.

The idea here is to help teachers and students adapt to their remote learning transition through game-based learning amid stay-at-home orders due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Minecraft: Education Edition Logo

In the words of Wales educator and Minecraft mentor, James Protheroe:

“We’ve built new relationships with students in this remote learning time. They’re helping one another in new ways, and it’s strengthening the relationships between teachers and students. Minecraft is helping them make sense of what’s happening. They can share their thoughts and reasoning, offload stress, and learn in a safe environment.”

As part of this new release, Microsoft has added new features into the game

Included are 11 fresh STEM lessons with a special Minecraft world that features honeybees and pollination. There are a few new mobs as well like foxes and bees, to go with beehives and honey blocks.

Minecraft: Education Edition saw release in November 2016. And since then, thousands of teachers in more than 115 countries use this version of the game to inspire their students to learn STEM, tell stories, explore history, and solve problems.

Plenty of resources are available for teachers and parents about distance learning, and how they can include Minecraft: Education Edition in their classrooms and homes.

Download: Minecraft: Education Edition

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Education · Featured · Games

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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