Most People Don’t Do Enough to Protect Their Online Data, Says Microsoft

February 5, 2013

Before the Internet, the idea of a computer virus, malware or “hacking” was certainly different. Back in the days of old, viruses were passed around not from looking at the wrong sites or downloading the wrong stuff– they were usually passed through floppy disks.

As for hacking? That implied that someone broke into your home or office (likely when you weren’t there) and in-person found a way to make it into your security and onto your PC.

Things change quickly. In the age of the web, security is more important than ever. While we originally have become accustomed to a simple password here or there as means of protection, as hackers and malware have become more sophisticated, security companies have begun regularly recommending multi-security methods like two-factor authentication in recent times.

Despite the warnings to use these advanced security measures, a new survey by Microsoft indicates that only a few people actually take these more detailed steps to better protect their online data and identity.
The survey is part of Microsoft’s second annual Microsoft Computing Safety Index. According to the Redmond giant, they polled 10,000 PC, smartphone and tablet users in 20 countries. Based on what they gathered, 55 percent of the people in the survey had more than one online risk, and only 16 percent of these folks said they took multiple steps when it came to securing themselves.
Furthermore, 45 percent of folks were worried about online identity theft, but only 34 percent have a PIN for unlocking their smartphones and other mobile devices. Even more alarming, while 48% worry about computer viruses, only 53% actually have anti-virus software on their computer (!!!) and less than 44% use firewalls.

So why is it that we worry about security but we don’t better arm ourselves and our data to keep protected? Probably a variety of factors. Some would say laziness. Others might just be misinformed on what all they can do to protect themselves.

Honestly, laziness and convenience probably play a big role. I know there are ways to login to some of the more secure things I do online that allow the option of my password, followed by me entering some code generated on my mobile device– but that takes an extra few seconds of my time. Even more than that if I have to go across the room to fetch my phone, yes laziness at its best.

So how about you, do you utilize advanced forms of data and identity protection such as multi-login methods? If not, what is the main thing keeping you from doing so?

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • I use two step verification with Google, but that has to be the only email/cloud storage company that uses it. Maybe I’m just misinformed, but I don’t see Microsoft using it for email/cload storage or Yahoo using it for their webmail. I know Blizzard has it for World of Warcraft, and that’s just a game. But companies like Amazon, ebay, Apple should utilize it if they haven’t done so.

    AndieDr3w February 5, 2013 7:10 pm Reply
    • As one of the few remaining Yahoo mail users, I can tell you that Yahoo has recently added a second sign in feature– though it is still currently in open “BETA”. I agree though, not everyone offers it that should. 🙂

      Andrew Grush February 6, 2013 10:21 am Reply
      • Oh, nice! Thanks I’ll check it out.

        AndieDr3w February 10, 2013 7:51 pm Reply

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