New Windows 11 Photos app also spotted

August 2, 2021

Microsoft has promised changes in Windows 11, changes that span the length and breadth of the new operating system. The Photos app is one of the many that could use a few of these changes.

The bid to offer a modern usage experience starts and ends with the native applications in an OS.

If the platform itself is full of features, but the included apps are a disjointed mess, then that operating system is doomed to disaster. Redmond knows this full well, which is why the software titan is putting in the effort to ensure that apps in Windows 11 are as streamlined as possible from day one.

It is this reason why work is underway to redo the Paint app in the upcoming operating system. And by the same stroke of the brush, pun always intended, Microsoft is redesigning the Photos app as well.

Word about this broke lose in a Reddit thread, where the same marketing material that gave us our early look at the new Paint app also provided us with a sneak peek at the revamped Photos app in Windows 11.

Windows 11 Photos App

As the photo above posted on Unsplash shows, this visual refresh is all about aligning the applications with the look and feel of the upcoming OS.

And although not many details can be gleamed from the image, this much is clear that Microsoft is working on a touching up the default photo viewer in Windows 11. What features or enhancements that are part of it, remains to be seen.

Obviously, while Windows 11 is already available for testing in the Windows Insider Program, both these new applications are yet to be released for Insiders.

That should change soon, now that the cat is out of the bag!

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Apps · Featured · Software · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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