No, Windows Autopatch is not replacing Patch Tuesday

June 20, 2022

Last week, Microsoft rolled out its traditional second-Tuesday-of-the-week update for all servicing Windows operating systems, known colloquially as Patch Tuesday, while also adding that it would release an Autopatch service at the same time next month.

Speculation quickly erupted online as many believed Microsoft would be replacing a traditional Patch Tuesday release with this new Autopatch service, effectively making June’s update the last Patch Tuesday update for users.

If Microsoft were to replace Patch Tuesday updates with a new Autopatch Service, how would it do so? How would the new Autopatch service differ from the old Patch Tuesday release, and what would be in the drop?

Fortunately, Microsoft cleared the air relatively quickly by issuing a response to Security Week, where the company pointed to an April post about Windows Autopatch.

The Autopatch FAQ covers several other details, including Intune Only and Co-Management prerequisites, licensing requirements for Education (A3) and Frontline workers (F3), and whether or not a device even has to reimage to Autopatch.

To Microsoft’s point. Autopatch is meant to live alongside Patch Tuesday with greater granular control over system admin functions for enterprise devices.

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Enterprise · Servicing · Strategy

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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