No, Xbox is not getting Android app support

September 7, 2021

At least, not for now. Native support for Android apps was one of the big new features of Windows 11 when the OS was first unveiled, and anticipation for it remains high.

Even as we recently received the bad news that the feature will not debut alongside the operating system at launch. But Microsoft has assured us that these capabilities are indeed coming, and we got a confirmation of sorts via the Microsoft Store itself.

The Windows Subsystem for Android got real. And the platform was apparently destined to arrive on the Xbox line of consoles as well.

If we went by the store listing, that is.

However, that is not the case, as Redmond made clear in a statement.

A company spokesperson confirmed that there are no plans to bring the Android subsystem to Xbox at the moment. That leaves it open that the technology could make its way to the gaming consoles in the future, though chances are slim.

While it would certainly open up the possibilities of certain apps and popular games hitting Xbox, they would still need to be heavily reworked to incorporate the store system, Xbox Live APIs, as well as achievements.

And for a platform that is entirely subsidized by its software sales, bringing Android to Xbox consoles is not something that makes sense for the company.

As for the store listing, this definitely seems like an error. One that happens all the time. There is a whole selection of apps that are being incorrectly listed as having Xbox, even Windows Phone support, when in reality they only work on PCs.

So that’s that, then.

For now.

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Android · Featured · Features · Software · Xbox

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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