Nokia Went With Windows Phone Due To Samsung’s Android Dominance

April 28, 2014

session shared details about the transition to the world of Windows. He had this to say when asked about Nokia with Android:

“When we made the decision to focus on Windows Phone back in 2011, we were very concerned that a decision to pursue Android would put us on a collision course with Samsung, who already had established a head of steam around Android. That was the right decision, as we have seen virtually all other OEMs from those days pushed to the side. Today, we are using AOSP to attack a specific market opportunity, but we are being thoughtful to do it in a way that accrues benefit to Microsoft and to Lumia.”
Collision courses are a spectacle more often than not, but admittedly Nokia was in no position for spectacles at the turn of the decade. Anyway, the answer is what many have already repeated. Case of a big fish in a small pond? Maybe. Did Nokia forgo putting their brand recognition to work for Android? Probably. But ultimately, this resulted in a major win for Microsoft as Nokia quickly established itself as the dominant force in the Windows Phone world. And it will undoubtedly result in a major win for all smartphone users in the world, with the Windows Phone platform solidifying its position as the third option. A bipolar world is a boring world, more often than not.]]>

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Windows Phone 8

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Samsung was already too established. People criticize Nokia, but what the ones who did go with Android and were left in the dust by Samsung? Nokia’s name wasn’t popular here as much as their phones were the first ones most people got. I never heard anyone say “I want a Nokia phone.” Those were just the phones carriers were starting everyone with. I’ve always gone with Motorola and Samsung for as long as I could remember.

    Ray C April 28, 2014 10:24 am Reply
    • Good point. Nokia was known for Snake back when I was growing up and that’s about it. Samsung has always been ahead, and Nokia is continuing to play catchup. Hopefully Windows Phone helps that happen.

      Ted Smith April 28, 2014 12:18 pm Reply
  • Honestly, this isn’t shocking. Samsung is clearly dominating the Android market and Apple is Apple. Blackberry is dying. All that was left for Nokia was Windows Phone. Both need each other I think.

    Steve Fulton April 28, 2014 10:54 am Reply
  • At least Nokia recognized/recognizes samsung’s dominance. the S4 galaxy is getting tons of hype, and Nokia is lagging behind. They needed Windows Phone because they couldn’t realistically compete with Samsung in the Android market.

    Mary April 28, 2014 3:06 pm Reply

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