She-Hulk is promoting Windows 11, Surface Pro 8

August 22, 2022

Well, that settles it. Superheroes love using Microsoft products, too! Microsoft has teamed up with the newest kid on the block, She-Hulk, to help promote Windows 11 and Surface Pro 8.

A fun little ad campaign is now live in collaboration with Marvel and Disney.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is the company’s newest miniseries, which premiered on August 17. Microsoft has joined in with a new advertisement that highlights the Disney+ app available on its operating platform and one of its finest devices.

The short 30-second ad shows She-Hulk using Windows Hello to log into Windows 11. She then multitasks various documents and PowerPoint slides using the new Windows Snap feature in the OS. One of the slides is about the effects of gamma radiation.

Watch the ad below:

An effective little ad, if ever there was one.

The short video does a good job of telling people that they can download Disney+ on Windows 11 to stream the new show. It also puts the Microsoft Store front and center—a rather neat push for the apps repository that launched last year and continues to improve.

Then there is the Surface Pro 8, which is the company’s flagship device and the flagship model of its Surface brand of machines.

Ads like this help promote products to mainstream audiences, particularly if they are well thought out and tie in with the property in question.

Pretty good stuff, this.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.