Some say Windows 11 Snipping Tool is broken

November 2, 2021

It has been less than a month since Windows 11 marked its arrival, but apparently things are far from settled. Users continue to report bugs and issues with the OS, though as of late, most of them are not of severe nature.

Take this one, for instance.

Folks are finding it hard to launch the Snipping Tool in the new operating system.

We just got wind of a freaky little folder bug making its way to the new OS. But now there is also talk that the bundled screenshotting utility in the operating system does not launch. And no amount of tinkering manages to fix it.

The Snipping Tool is a new addition to the platform, after having been refreshed for Windows 11 with a new interface and fresh features. Among the refinements is a new dark mode that goes well with the rest of the black UI in the operating system.

But as it turns out, a rather widespread issue has been discovered where the app does not launch.

This discussion thread on the Microsoft Tech Community website has plenty of users reporting this issue, though as of this writing the company is yet to acknowledge the glitch.


“Win+Shift+S does not open the snipping tool in Windows 11. I can manually launch the app, but if I click “+New” a window pops up stating “This app can’t open. A problem with Windows is preventing Screen Snipping from opening. Refreshing your PC might help fix it.” I just upgraded to Windows 11 yesterday, the computer is up-to-date, all apps are up-to-date. I’ve tried running the troubleshooter, resetting the app, repairing the app, and uninstalling+re-installing the app. Nothing works.”

And while Redmond may not have confirmed it on the way to providing an official fix, it looks like someone has found their way to a workaround.

This trick is temporary, but for those of you who have upgraded directly from Windows 10 and still have the old OS on their computer can still use the previous version of the Snipping Tool. Not much of a workaround, as far as workarounds go, but still a usable one.

Go to the C:\Windows.old\Windows\System32\ folder on your system and locate SnippingTool.exe to fire up the old version of the tool.

Should tide you by until Microsoft manages to get a look around.

Article Categories:
Bugs · Featured · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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