Spotify finally launches a native ARM client for Windows

June 2, 2022

It took the small matter of 10 years, but developers are finally paying the ARM version of Windows the due attention it deserves. Spotify, for example, became the latest company to offer these wares.

Redmond first dabbed with ARM back in 2012 when it launched the unfortunate Windows RT platform, a version of the OS that hit a dead end shortly thereafter.

The main reason was the limitation of this new operating system in terms of software, as well as the fact that developers were in no mood to code their applications for this new platform. Only a brave few released their programs natively for Windows RT.

But now, with Microsoft going all in with the new and powerful Windows on ARM platform, 3rd party developers are arriving at the party.

Spotify, the leading music streaming platform on the planet, has announced an ARM64 flavor of its client on its official forums. The link to download version of the executable file can be found here. It can be run on Windows PCs that house an ARM processor inside.

There is also a notification about a single known issue that you may want to give a scan.

Spotify says that the beta app currently struggles with some video podcasts. Instead of playing an episode, the application asks the user to update the client. To bypass this problem, the company recommends watching the broken podcasts in a browser.

The company further says that it is seeking feedback on this release to determine what works and what doesn’t so it can continue to improve the final version of the client that is likely to be made available in the coming months.

Of course, Windows on ARM customers are not limited to this here application, not at all.

They can run the regular Spotify app using emulation on their device, but the native app obviously offers much better efficiency and performance. Now that the OS supports the mobile operating system, there is also the more exotic option of running the Android version of the client on Windows.

The regular app can be downloaded from the website and the Microsoft Store.

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Apps · Featured · Launch · Windows on ARM

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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